Recent Projects
Robotic Material Handling System
- Over 550lb load handling capacity
- Accurately Palletizes parts from machining center to 5 unique bins based on part size.
- Increased efficiency over 35% for the process it replaced
- Intelligent feedback provides 99% uptime, and 95% quality increase
- Runs 3 shifts 22hrs per day 6 days per week
- Includes vision inspection, and laser ablation cleaning system
- Includes RFID labeling technology
Robotic Welding System – Large Vessel Weldments
- Automatic Seam Finding and Tracking
- 50’ pipe sections, 24” to 96” diameters
- All tooling and automation custom engineered for this solution to optimize efficiency
- 44% efficiency improvement
- 35% quality improvement
- Virtually eliminated all rework on code welds
- Greatly increased operator safety risk
- 99% employee injury reduction
- Increased sales volume by 15% in the first month
- 4 month ROI
Smart Tooling – Tack Welding Fixture
- Manual, Semi-Automatic, and Automatic clamping modes
- Clamps with force and positioner sensors to ensure an in tolerance part everytime
- Tool comes with 15” color touch screen display
- Display allows for operator input and shift notes, etc for engineering
- Display allows for Work instructions for every step of the build process
- Each load sequence displays a picture for the operator to reference
- Tool verifies part presence/absence/and correct fit for each process step
- Tool tracks number of welds placed, and number of inches of weld for each step
- 55% efficiency increase
- 95% rework reduction
- 8 month ROI
Complete manufacturing transfer line – ROPS cab manufacturing
- Manufacturing of all sub components
- Sub Component Tack fixtures auto loaded into sub welding robots
- Sub Component Welding robots auto unloaded into final welding robots
- Final welding robots auto unloaded into paint line
- 9 month ROI
- Complete cab weldment every 24-30 minutes depending on options
- 6 of these lines installed in North America in the last 4 years
Material Handling Robot with Plasma Arc Welding
- Produces 1 part every 12 seconds
- Intuitive Recipe based programming capabilities
- 12" full color HMI touch screen
- Automated infeed and outfeed with vision sensing
- RIA Compliant
Robotic Material Handling Bushing Press
- Press forces up to 50,000 lbs
- Automatically presses 14 bushings per cycle
- Automatic magazine bushing feeder
- Automatic bushing arbor tool change
- Servo controlled bushing press (no hydraulics)
- Full color HMI w/intuitive recipe based programming
Automated Pull Tester
- Provides up to 144,000lbs of pull force
- Accurately measures stress/strain within +/-.001"
- Automatic part reject capabilities
- Automatic data reporting to plant network
Tack Welding Fixture with Hydraulic Clamping
- Locates 126 individual pieces
- 44 hydraulic cylinders with 12 sequences
- Hawk Technology Ltd Patented tooling ball system
Tack Welding Fixture with Pneumatic Clamping
- Powered trunnions with up to 600 ft/lbs of torque
- Integral backbone to provide outstanding weld access
- Hardened locators with shimmability
- Six degrees of freedom accurately for every detail
- Full 3d parametric concurrent design
Three arm welding system
- 20 axis welding system
- 12,000lb capacity
- 85' of linear track
- Three welding arcs simultaneously
Vision Inspection System
- 8 lane simultaneous inspection
- Speeds up to 300 parts per minute each lane
- Achieved .05% repeatability for inspection
- Food Grade rated
- Over 40 installed systems operating worldwide
Vision Inspection System
- 8 lane simultaneous inspection
- Speeds up to 300 parts per minute each lane
- Achieved .05% repeatability for inspection
- Food Grade rated
- Over 40 installed systems operating worldwide
Hawk Technology Ltd provides program management services to customers looking for cost
and time-to-market reductions. Our program management service is not only more competitive
than other outsourcing options, but also provides a total manufacturing service from
conception through product delivery.
Using true concurrent engineering concepts, our program management service allows our
design and manufacturing operations to respond to rapidly changing designs, and still reduce
lead times and cost from design through manufacturing to product delivery. We can provide
program management for any size project utilizing either in-house personnel or by providing
on-site support at your facility.
Initial Manufacturing Planning Expertise
- Detailed part processing including load sequences
- Project time line with specific milestones
- Safety evaluations and risk analysis
- Lean manufacturing principles
- Cycle time estimates
- Floor space layout
- FMEA analysis
- Ergonomics

Intelligent Fixture and Machine Design
- Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0
- Pro/Mechanica FEA analysis
- Over 150 years combined experience
- Lifting points at center of gravity
- Tooling tags
- Cutting edge Device Net technology minimizes wiring
- HMI technology allows automatic machine calibration
- Compliance with ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999 and ANSI/RIA/ISO 10218-1-2007 safety standards

Prototype Part Machining and Fabrication

- Full suite of conventional machinery
- Latest CNC technology
- Highly skilled workforce
- Toolmakers trained in Pro/E for real time part creation
- Full suite of inspection equipment including 12' FARO arm and 80" CMM

Run Off and Tool Tryout Services
- Testing here and at customer site
- Overhead hoist
- Variety of manufacturing equipment for run off
- Inspection services to measure and analyze production parts
- ISIR, PPAP and other SPC documentation provided
- All tools inspected and shimmed to nominal
- Report provided

Other Services
- On-site tooling maintenance programs
- Weld development and engineering
- Ergonomic and safety analysis
- Offline robotic programming
- Cutter path generation
- Water jet cutting
- Production CNC
- CMM inspection
- Welding

"I began working with Hawk as a supplier when we were closing our factory. With this closing,
I was left with one disaster after the next. At the last minute, we asked Hawk to complete
the build of two machines that were started by engineers at another plant. Throughout
the build phase, they discovered several design issues that we worked through to improve
the machines. They did not hesitate to take on the challenge and supported us in our time of
need. I was able to work one on one with their design engineers on several of the changes.
They worked weekends and many long hours to complete the machines in a timely manner.
Thanks to Hawk, we were able to get back on our feet. Once the machines were installed,
they continued to help make improvements and tooling for us."
Customer, Automation Project