Recent Projects

Robotic Material Handling System
- Over 550lb load handling capacity
- Accurately Palletizes parts from machining center to 5 unique bins based on part size.
- Increased efficiency over 35% for the process it replaced
- Intelligent feedback provides 99% uptime, and 95% quality increase
- Runs 3 shifts 22hrs per day 6 days per week
- Includes vision inspection, and laser ablation cleaning system
- Includes RFID labeling technology

Robotic Welding System – Large Vessel Weldments
- Automatic Seam Finding and Tracking
- 50’ pipe sections, 24” to 96” diameters
- All tooling and automation custom engineered for this solution to optimize efficiency
- 44% efficiency improvement
- 35% quality improvement
- Virtually eliminated all rework on code welds
- Greatly increased operator safety risk
- 99% employee injury reduction
- Increased sales volume by 15% in the first month
- 4 month ROI

Smart Tooling – Tack Welding Fixture
- Manual, Semi-Automatic, and Automatic clamping modes
- Clamps with force and positioner sensors to ensure an in tolerance part everytime
- Tool comes with 15” color touch screen display
- Display allows for operator input and shift notes, etc for engineering
- Display allows for Work instructions for every step of the build process
- Each load sequence displays a picture for the operator to reference
- Tool verifies part presence/absence/and correct fit for each process step
- Tool tracks number of welds placed, and number of inches of weld for each step
- 55% efficiency increase
- 95% rework reduction
- 8 month ROI

Complete manufacturing transfer line – ROPS cab manufacturing
- Manufacturing of all sub components
- Sub Component Tack fixtures auto loaded into sub welding robots
- Sub Component Welding robots auto unloaded into final welding robots
- Final welding robots auto unloaded into paint line
- 9 month ROI
- Complete cab weldment every 24-30 minutes depending on options
- 6 of these lines installed in North America in the last 4 years

Material Handling Robot with Plasma Arc Welding
- Produces 1 part every 12 seconds
- Intuitive Recipe based programming capabilities
- 12" full color HMI touch screen
- Automated infeed and outfeed with vision sensing
- RIA Compliant

Robotic Material Handling Bushing Press
- Press forces up to 50,000 lbs
- Automatically presses 14 bushings per cycle
- Automatic magazine bushing feeder
- Automatic bushing arbor tool change
- Servo controlled bushing press (no hydraulics)
- Full color HMI w/intuitive recipe based programming

Automated Pull Tester
- Provides up to 144,000lbs of pull force
- Accurately measures stress/strain within +/-.001"
- Automatic part reject capabilities
- Automatic data reporting to plant network

Tack Welding Fixture with Hydraulic Clamping
- Locates 126 individual pieces
- 44 hydraulic cylinders with 12 sequences
- Hawk Technology Ltd Patented tooling ball system

Tack Welding Fixture with Pneumatic Clamping
- Powered trunnions with up to 600 ft/lbs of torque
- Integral backbone to provide outstanding weld access
- Hardened locators with shimmability
- Six degrees of freedom accurately for every detail
- Full 3d parametric concurrent design

Three arm welding system
- 20 axis welding system
- 12,000lb capacity
- 85' of linear track
- Three welding arcs simultaneously

Vision Inspection System
- 8 lane simultaneous inspection
- Speeds up to 300 parts per minute each lane
- Achieved .05% repeatability for inspection
- Food Grade rated
- Over 40 installed systems operating worldwide

Vision Inspection System
- 8 lane simultaneous inspection
- Speeds up to 300 parts per minute each lane
- Achieved .05% repeatability for inspection
- Food Grade rated
- Over 40 installed systems operating worldwide
Hawk Technology, Ltd. | 8072 Centennial Expressway, Rock Island, IL 61201-7316
Phone 309.270.7000 | E-mail